Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Finally Home!!!

I arrived at my new home yesterday!! I was sad to leave my dog mom and Karen and Gene, but I think I am really going to like where I live. The ride home from North Carolina to Georgia was not very good. It was my first time in the car and I got a little sick during the first hours. Eventually I just decided sleeping would be the best for me. I cried a lot in hopes that my new mom and dad would let me out of the crate, but that didn't work.

When I got home we played outside for a bit and then I got to go inside and explore my new house. I also ate my first dinner at home and I scarfed it down. Boy was it yummy after a long day of traveling. The water was the best part because I think I was a little dehydrated from my ride home. After dinner I christened my new yard and mommy happily cleaned up after me. She's the best! I was introduced to my new favorite toy - my rope! It is so fun to chew and pull and I just love the colors...not to girly.

Mommy thought I was going to cry all night, but I did a GREAT job! I yipped for the first 10 minutes or so and realized that no one was going to come and get me so I just went to sleep. Daddy came in the middle of the night to let me out and when he put me back in I only cried for 5 minutes this time! I still really don't like being in my crate and I think mom and dad are anxious for me to be able to go in there just to hang out. Right now I'd rather sleep underneath the kitchen table and the chairs for the island.

Daddy gets to stay home with me all day while mom is at work and he is super fun. He likes to play with me and I like to cuddle up underneath his feet while he works on the computer. My new family is great and I can't wait to see all the fun stuff that we get to do!

Here are some of my very first pictures:

Get me OUT of this crate!!!!!

Me, My Dad, and his friend Bud

My Mommy!!

My new crate!

This is the chair I nap under when my mom or dad is on the computer..I love the cool floor!

This is my newest spot. I found it when my parents were eating dinner.

I'm so adorable when I sleep!

1 comment:

Charlie said...

I'm glad you made it home safely! I recommend that you start raising a ruckus at night in the crate, so they'll take you out and let you sleep on the bed. Hey, it worked for me. :)
- Charlie